This groundbreaking collection celebrates the first ten years of Corporate Watch, the radical research group based in Oxford, UK.
Corporate Watch drags the corrupt links between business and power, economics and politics into the spotlight. As part of the growing anti-corporate movement springing up around the world, Corporate Watch supports campaigns which are increasingly successful in forcing corporations to back down.
Corporate Watch has informed and inspired journalists, activists, artists, policy-makers ... and even poets.
This collection brings together radical anti-corporate poetry from over 60 talented poets. Dip into this book and you will find poems to be performed at rallies, and ongs to sing while locked onto the gates of a nuclear power station, poems with punch and power that shout loud and proud with brazen razor wit and barefaced cheek.
The anthology includes a CD featuring performances of 19 poems 'never before seen or heard on TV', including my 'Steal this Poem'.
Other poets featured in the book are:
Adrian Mitchell, Alan Buckley, Alan McClure, Alisdair Noon, Alistair Stewart, Aoife Mannix, Atilla the Stockbroker, Ben Mellor, B. R. Dyonisius, Cath Morris, Charlie Harvey, Christian Zorka, Claire Fauset, Danny Chivers, Dave Morgan, David Bateman, David Rovics, Ebele, Elvis Mcgonnegall, Emma Lee, Emma Phillips, Ewuare X. Osayande, Geoff Allnutt, George Roberts, Gregg Mosson, Heather Taylor, Heidi Greco, Helen Moore, Helen Thomas, Janet Vickers, Janis Butler Holm, Jim Thomas, John Hoggett, Josh Ekroy, K. Simpson, Kate Evans, Ken Champion, Kevin Higgins, Luke Wright, M. T. C. Cronin, Marc Jones, Marie Berry, Mario Petrucci, Mark Gunnery, Mark Gwynne Jones, Merrick, Michelle Green, Nick Toczek, Paul Maltby, Paul Spencer, Penny Broadhurst, Philip Jeays, Rachel Pantechnicon, Rapunzel Wizard, Rob Gee, Rosemary Harris, Sheena Salmon, Spencer Cooke, Spoz, Steve Larkin, Steve Tasane, T Troughton, Todd swift, Vincent Tinguely, Will Holloway
It's £7 and you can order it online here.